Tag Archives: Spike Jonze

Inside All Of Us Is A Wild Thing

where_the_wild_things_are_posterI have been dying to see the new Spike Jonze movie “Where the Wild Things Are” for about 6 months now…I even had its release date highlighted as a holiday in my google calendar. So when I decided to go see it last night for my birthday I was pumped to say the least. Something about the trailer seemed to hit me every time I watched it. Arcade Fire in the background, bold proclamations that inside all of us is hope, fear, and playfulness. It was an anthem for making your own dreams a reality. It was perfect for what I had been experiencing the past couple of months and I couldn’t wait to compare Max’s new world to the one I had created for myself.

Needless to say it was a bad movie. I wish I could have walked out of the theater roaring like my own little wild thing…it had everything in its favor to win me over. Awesome soundtrack, beautiful and creative imagery, complex characters but I was bored.

All in all, I pulled some great quotes that I thought were relevant to me and this blog:

“Happiness isn’t always the best way to be happy.”

“It’s going to be a place where only the things you want to happen, would happen.”

“We were gonna make a whole world like this. Now, everyone used to come here, but you know… you know what it feels like when all your teeth are falling out really slowly and you don’t realize and then you notice that, well, they’re really far apart. And then one day… you don’t have any teeth anymore.”

“Inside all of us is a Wild Thing”